Justin Toevs BCom, CFP


Justin lives in Vancouver with his wife and 4 young kids and has over 15 years of Client Management experience in the Financial Planning industry. Justin takes great pride in helping individuals and business owners chart their map to financial independance. He works closely with families to preserve, protect and transfer wealth from one generation to the next, while protecting the futures of his clients, especially in turbulent economic times.
While providing his clients with a common understanding throughout the planning process, Justin’s attention, integrity and dedication to your individual wants and needs will help you make the best financial decisions for you and your family. 

Justin works closely with a Wealth Management Team comprised of:

Danny Popescu, CFP, CIM, FMA, FCSI. President and CEO
Danny focuses on the firm’s growth and operations but specializes in Tax Minimization, Defensive Portfolio Construction, Risk Management and Trusts and Estate Preservation.

Wes Ashton, CIM, FCSI, Portfolio and National Sales Manager
Wes manages a practice comprised of 350 Million in assets. With over 15 years in practice, he is an expert in the complex world of tax and estate planning.