Jennie Chen


Jennie is integral to our team’s success. She is our team expert at bridging our clients to our operations team so that administrative matters are handled most efficiently. Her happy attitude and professional nature makes her an absolute pleasure to work with. Jennie earned her University degree in Psychology from UBC and is literate and fluent in Mandarin and Cantonese. When not working, Jennie and her husband, Tony, spend time with their two cute little toddlers.

Jennie 是我们团队不可或缺的成员,尤其在行政管理、客户服务等方面担任非常重要的角色。她拥有多年的行业经验,能有效且全面地为客人提供各项投资相关服务。同时,她是一个非常积极乐观的人,与她共事的每一天,都轻松愉快并充满效率。

Jennie 在 UBC 获得心理学学士学位,精通流利的普通话和粤语。在工作外的业余时间,Jennie和先生Tony经常会带着家里两个可爱的小男孩一起出去郊游,享受与家人一起的欢乐时光。